The government has taken significant steps to protect public health by announcing new decisions regarding Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limitations on telecommunication devices, including mobile phones and tablet computers. This decision was made by the Minister of Communication and Informatics in response to growing concerns about the radiation effects of these devices. According to the issued decision, the set SAR limitations will be a crucial parameter that must be adhered to by telecommunication device manufacturers. SAR measures the level of electromagnetic radiation absorbed by the human body when using such devices. This step is expected to reduce the potential health risks associated with exposure to electromagnetic radiation from telecommunication devices. The telecommunication devices such as mobile phones and tablet computers referred to are used within a distance of less than 20 cm from the body and have a radiation power transmission of more than 20 mW (twenty milliwatts). The reference SAR value limitations in Indonesia will be based on the following references: The government has announced plans to implement mandatory compliance with Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limitations on telecommunication devices, particularly mobile phones and tablet computers. According to the announced plan, the implementation of SAR limitation compliance will be divided into two phases: With the phased implementation, it is hoped that the telecommunications industry can adapt and ensure that the produced devices meet the established SAR standards. The obligation to comply with the Specific Absorption Rate limitation as mentioned above shall be effective for a maximum period of 2 (two) years from the date the obligation to comply with the Specific Absorption Rate limitation takes effect. Applicants for telecommunication device certificates are required to attach the following documents: By attaching the appropriate documents, it is hoped that applicants can meet the specified requirements and obtain certification for their devices. Applicants for telecommunication device certificates must submit the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) test result report (TRR) for each certification letter from the Domestic Testing Institute to the Directorate of Device Standardization and Informatics, Ministry of Communication and Informatics, no later than 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the issuance date of the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) test result report (TRR) as stated in the certification letter from the Domestic Testing Institute. In the event that based on the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) test result report (TRR), telecommunication devices such as mobile phones or tablet computers do not comply with the SAR limitations as stipulated in this ministerial decision, the following provisions shall apply: Holders of telecommunication device certificates will be sanctioned if their devices violate the specific absorption rate limitations stipulated in this Ministerial Decision.