Non Testing Procedure in SDPPI until Oct 2017

Dear our customer now SDPPI is announce can do non testing for any equipment they announce it just now please check the rule The main requirement of doing this documents evaluation process is that the product should have Test Report from Laboratory. For running application that’s still waiting for the pretest or has been pretested, it can continue the process by doing evaluation documents as long as the SP2 testing payment notification hasn’t been paid. This document evaluation process is opened today, and will be closed again by the end of October 2017. and if you have any product just submit it to us for good Remembering that the time of this documents evaluation application is very limited, so please be hurry if you want to apply with this line. thank you

Non Testing / Paperwork Procedure

SDPPI has one way to speed up Certification process. its only declare conformity (declaration of conformity) in the process of evaluating the document on which it is based. Many countries apply conformity schemes based on ISO/IEC 17050 to relatively low-risk products, such as computers and Low-Power ISM Band Devices/Short-Range Devices. There are also countries that apply it to mobile phones because these types of telecommunications devices have proven to be standard. The Minister of Communications and Informatics has ratified the Telecommunication Device Telephone Equipment Certification, Handheld Computer, and Tablet Computing Regulations that define certification by document evaluation through declaration of conformity. Contact Us For more information

LTE device certification in 2017

Based on Ministerial Regulation No. 27 of 2015 on Technical Requirements of Tools and / or devices based on Long Term Evolution technology, Article 4 paragraph 3 reads: Effective January 1, 2017, the Level of Condition (LTE) for LTE-based technology, applicable at 2,100 MHz, 1,800 MHz, 900 MHz, and 800 MHz, and on January 1, 2019, for long-term (LTE) bands in the 2,300 MHz radio frequency band, has undergone a mandatory change in paragraph (1) : At least 40% (forty percent) for Base Station; And At least 30% (thirty percent) for Subscriber Station. In connection with the above, please sample the application for certification for 2017 in order to adjust the data to support the requirements of TKDN.