What is SNI? Indonesian National Standard (SNI), is a quality standard set by the National Standardization Agency (BSN) and only applies in Indonesia. The standard formulation is carried out by the SNI Formulation Technical Committee. The SNI certification procedure is carried out by parties appointed as stakeholders. Regarding the SNI Certificate Meanwhile, the SNI Certificate itself is proof that the company or producer has the same standards as the regulations in force in Indonesia. SNI certification protects the domestic market from low-quality foreign goods and promotes economic growth by encouraging producers to meet quality standards. SNI-certified companies gain consumer trust, showcasing producer responsibility. This fosters the growth of credible product certification bodies in the business sector. Having a label and also getting an SNI certificate makes consumers more confident because there is a guarantee of safety and health with clear standards for the products they consume. With the SNI label, consumers feel protected and safe regarding the goods they buy, use and consume. There are 3 classifications in SNI certification: f you are interested and want to get SNI certification, you can contact us on WhatsApp or email us at cs@cerapproval.com We are happy to serve you to get an SNI certificate.