Addition of Frequency Bands for LTE and 5G in Indonesia

Addition of Bands for LTE and 5G in the New Regulation Kepmen Kominfo No. 352 of 2024

The Minister of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Budi Arie Setiadi, has enacted the Ministerial Decree No. 352 of 2024. This regulation governs the technical standards for telecommunications devices and/or mobile telecommunication devices based on Long Term Evolution (LTE) and International Mobile Telecommunications-2020 (5G) technology standards. Addition of Frequency for 5G Read more about Addition of Bands for LTE and 5G in the New Regulation Kepmen Kominfo No. 352 of 2024[…]

sosialisasi frekuensi radio oleh balmon kominfo

Penalty Sanctions for Radio Frequency Spectrum Violation

Cerapproval International attended the Socialization of Administrative Penalty Sanctions on the Supervision of the Use of Radio Frequency Spectrum and/or Telecommunication Devices organized in Indonesia by the Administrative Penalty Management Team of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Monitoring Institute (Balmon Kominfo) on Friday, May 7, 2024. This socialization discusses administrative penalty sanctions for the improper use Read more about Penalty Sanctions for Radio Frequency Spectrum Violation[…]