The permission of the used of KBLi on OSS Page

Licensing the Use of All KBLI for the Submission of SDPPI Certificates on the OSS Page

In order to be able to issue an SDPPI Postel Certificate, the Applicant who applies for certification must have Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia (KBLI), and Online Single Submission (OSS) account. This is because currently to issuing an SDPPI Certificate, it is mandatory to have an OSS with the appropriate KBLI. In order to sell products or devices in Indonesia, distributors or other entities can use All KBLI in submitting Telecommunication Equipment Certificates on the OSS Page. The use of all KBLI for the application of Telecommunication Equipment Certificates has been announced, and can be accessed on the OSS Page. You can check this announcement at By being able to use all KBLI for Submission for Postel SDPPI Certification, it makes certification management easier. Worrying about not having an integrated KBLI is unnecessary. Utilizing all KBLI for the submission of Postel SDPPI Certification makes certification management easier, eliminating concerns about lacking integrated KBLI. This entire KBLI can be used because currently the use of frequency on devices is not only available on telecommunications equipment, but also for devices that are used as accessories or additional devices on telecommunications equipment. If you are an importer, laboratory, or another entity from outside Indonesia requiring certification of telecommunication tools or equipment in Indonesia, ensure that the appointed representative has OSS and KBLI Access. Additionally, this ensures a smoother certification process. How to Apply for SDPPI Certification with OSS and All KBLI Despite the current ability to use all types of KBLI to obtain certificates for telecommunication tools or equipment, the management still needs to go through stages. To make it easier for you in managing the SDPPI Postel Certification, you can use the services provided by Cerapproval. Additionally, our team is ready to assist you throughout the certification process. Crapproval itself is an Agency that operates as a Type Approval that can assist the issuance of SDPPI Postel Certification, and SNI. If you need SDPPI issuance, you can contact :

The Process that Must be Passed to get the KOMINFO SDPPI Certificate

The Process that Must be Passed to get the KOMINFO SDPPI Certificate

The submission and issuance of the KOMINFO SDPPI certificate is a must for Producers, Distributors, Importers, Laboratories, or other Entities wishing to distribute telecommunication products in Indonesia. Telecommunication devices that are required to have Certification include devices that use GSM, WCDMA, LTE, 5G, Bluetooth, WLAN, NFC, and RFID frequencies. The frequency used for the equipment to be distributed in Indonesia must also be adjusted to the predetermined frequency. The regulation is mandatory for certification in Peraturan Menteri no. 9 Tahun 2019. Steps Through to Get KOMINFO SDPPI Certificate in Indonesia To get the SDPPI Certification, there are several stages that must be followed, these are the following steps you need to know: 1. Contacting Cerapproval To get more information about SDPPI Certification in Indonesia, you can contact Cerapproval to find out about the process of issuing SDPPI Certification in Indonesia. Cerapproval is a Type Approval that can assist the certification process in Indonesia. The application for certification to be issued by Cerapproval is fairly short, namely 4-5 weeks. So you can quickly get the SDPPI Certificate. Also Read: Information on Changes in the Cerapproval Legal Entity 2. Informing the Product Specifications You Want to be Certified After consulting or asking further questions with Cerapproval regarding SDPPI certification, you can inform the product you want to be certified. This stage is important, because at this stage CErapproval can find out the type of frequency used in the product, so that it can estimate the amount of costs incurred for making SDPPI Certification. 3. Make an Offer Cerapproval itself provides 2 types of agency fee payments that you can choose according to your needs: Full payment is a type of payment that greatly facilitates the management of SDPPI certification. By using this type of agency fee, the Client does not need to pay invoices one by one at each stage that must be passed to get the Certificate. a. Full Payment This is because all payment invoices will be combined into one, so that clients do not have to bother paying each stage of the certification issuance one by one, so that the SDPPI certification process can be carried out quickly without delays in payment. b. Self Payment This type of self-payment is a type of payment or invoice that the client makes independently one by one at each stage that must be followed until the certificate issuance process at the end. So by choosing self Payment, the Client must pay each stage of the certification independently. For payments independently, the Client is expected to attach the Company’s NPWP. The NPWP attached will be used for payments at each stage until the certificate is issued. 4. Sending Products For Testing If you have a deal with the final price for the submission process until the certification is issued, the next step that the Client needs to do is send the product to be tested to Cerapproval. Products that have been sent will be checked first by the Technical Specifications division of Cerapproval. The purpose of this step is to find out whether the product info previously notified by client is in accordance with the product sent. After the product is checked, the product will be sent to a test laboratory for testing of product samples. 5. Carrying out the Testing Process on the Product If the results of the testing are suitable, the product that pass the testing process will be sent to a certified test laboratory in Indonesia. The purpose of Product testing in the laboratory is to obtain a report stating the frequency used for the product being tested is suitable with the frequency set by the KOMINFO SDPPI. Cerapproval itself has collaborated with HCT Indonesia, B4T, and Sucofindo which have been accredited as test laboratories. That way the test results from the laboratory can be immediately submitted for SDPPI certification. Also Read: List of Accredited Overseas Laboratories at SDPPI in 2021 6. Waiting for Testing Process After the product sample is sent to the laboratory, it is necessary to wait until the test results come out. Generally the time for testing product samples until test results come out is 3-4 working weeks. 7. Registering Product Sample Results to SDPPI After the laboratory test results are out, the next step is to register the test results on the SDPPI Postel E-Certification page. If you have registered the product on the Postel Certification page, the Client can wait until the certification is issued 8. Waiting for Certification Issued By SDPPI KOMINFO After registering the test results to the SDPPI Postel Certification page, you can wait for the certificate issuance process. Generally, certificate issuance takes 1 week. The certificate issued will be in the form of an E-Certificate, so that the soft copy can be held by local representatives or the original producer. Those are the steps that need to be known in submitting the KOMINFO SDPPI Certificate in Indonesia until the issuance of the certificate. In this process, make sure to use the services of Cerapproval as your Mainstay Type Approval in Indonesia. Why Should Cerapproval? Cerapproval itself has been helping for more than 10 years in various SDPPI Certification issuances in Indonesia. So that his experience in managing SDPPI certification is unquestionable. Cerapproval provides local representative services in Indonesia, supported by a distributor license, OSS v2.0, and an API-U import license. If you are interested in consulting and using our services, you can contact us

Important Annaouncement Cerapproval

Important Announcement

Important Announcement! CV. Cerapproval Internasional is a type approval that can help the need of producers, distributors, importers, laboratories, or any entity in acquiring SDPPI certificate in Indonesia. For more than 10 years we’ve been helping to process any type of Approval in Indonesia due to customer trust and loyalty to our company. From June 22nd 2022 we officially become Perseroan Terbatas (PT) in Indonesia. From CV. Cerapproval Internasional to become PT. Cerapproval Internasional Manufaktur, at this moment we are not only providing any type of approval, but we also offer local representation services to become the holder of certification in Indonesia. It is supported by the distributor license, OSS v2.0, and import license API-U. That’s all the important announcement from us and You may contact us at +62 881-1461-437 or for more information

Local Representative

One of our services is can providing you local rep services that can be works as your representative certificate holder in Indonesia. So you do not need to worry about OSS ID or PLG ID. we can provide better for your convenience. you can contact us for more information :

SDPPI Submission Through OSS System

Starting early November 2021, the Ministry of Communication and Information already cooperate again with OSS to apply for telecommunication tools and equipment. this causes the application to have to go through OSS to certify or get an SDPPI device certificate. Below are the steps for the OSS process:

Test Report Summary

Based on new rule in SDPPI Type Approval (457/DJSDPPI.5/SP.04.09/06/2021) for without testing / paperwork Procedure, we have to provide test report summary in order to get SDPPI Certificate Here is the rule statement : Here below the template for summary : If you need more information for detailed please contact us :

E-labelling and Packaging Labels in SDPPI Type Approval

Dear Value Customer, Here below stated about SDPPI Type Approval Labels rule : Navigating Requirements In the realm of SDPPI (Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya dan Perangkat Pos dan Informatika) Type Approval, the landscape of product labeling is undergoing significant changes. As of now, E-labelling, although not mandatory, has emerged as a pivotal consideration. However, the traditional packaging label continues to maintain its significance in compliance protocols. 1. E-labelling’s Non-Mandatory Status In the current regulatory framework, the adoption of E-labelling remains optional rather than obligatory for products undergoing SDPPI Type Approval. While this presents a potential avenue for future labeling practices, it’s important to note that the requirement for a packaging label still persists. 2. The Persistent Need for Packaging Labels Amidst the evolving labeling dynamics, the conventional packaging label remains a mandatory component for products seeking SDPPI Type Approval. This requirement ensures that vital information is conspicuously displayed on the product’s packaging, facilitating consumer awareness and regulatory adherence. 3. Innovative Solutions for Unique Challenges Acknowledging the diversity of products and packaging designs, SDPPI accommodates situations where adhering to standard labeling practices might be challenging. In cases where the product’s size or packaging is unconventional, manufacturers are granted a solution: the option to affix the necessary label onto the accompanying manual book. 4. Empowering Manufacturers with Alternatives Manufacturers confronted with the dilemma of insufficient space for a traditional packaging label or products inherently devoid of packaging can now resort to placing the label on the manual book. This approach ensures that despite physical limitations, essential information reaches consumers effectively. For comprehensive insights or queries concerning E-labelling, packaging labels, or SDPPI Type Approval, a dedicated point of contact is available: Carl. He can be reached at, offering tailored information and guidance. This assistance empowers manufacturers to navigate the intricate web of labeling regulations adeptly, aligning their products with compliance requirements while addressing practical challenges head-on.

Permanent SDPPI Approval

Permanent SDPPI Approval by Paperwork Procedure / Non Testing on 2018

Dear Value Customer we would like to inform you about new regulation on SDPPI Ministry Decree No 7 Year 2018 SP3 (testing reference letter) was abolished, so basically SDPPI can do non testing (paperwork process) for all kind of product by using test report from accredited lab. this is a good chance to get SDPPI Certificate in Indonesia without testing the applicant must be Indonesian Local Company and must be registered in online single submission (OSS) at Here attached the new Ministry Decree (regulation) 1533886347-PM_Kominfo_No_7_Tahun_2018_JDIH Please contact us for more information :

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