Steps to Check the Status of Certified Telecommunication Equipment on the SDPPI Website

Steps to Check the Status of Certified Telecommunication Equipment on the SDPPI Website

In this modern era, rapid technological advances affect human civilization. All daily human activities such as sweeping, mopping and washing can now be replaced by various sophisticated electronic devices. Advances in technology have made human life easier. Also Read : What are the technical requirements for STB? However, before buying the telecommunications device, we must first make sure whether the devices we are going to buy are certified (Legal) or not certified (Illegal). Check the product details, including its country of origin, safety, and legal status for circulation in Indonesia. Certified telecommunications device means that it meets Indonesian standards and is able to guarantee security, both for users and for the environment. Then, how to find out if the device we are using is certified? Here are the steps: If the device you are looking for is registered on the SDPPI website, it means that the device you have is legal and safe to use, but the device that has not been recorded on the SDPPI website, meaning that the device is still illegal and its safety and security are not guaranteed. Also Read : The Impact of Using a Telecommunications Device That Has Not Been Certified Those are the steps to check the status of certified telecommunications devices on the SDPPI Website. Alright, friends, let’s be more cautious in using or purchasing telecommunications devices. Avoid being easily tempted by cheap, uncertified (illegal) products from now on. If you are a manufacturer, distributor, importer, laboratory, or other entity that wants to distribute telecommunications equipment and wish to certify telecommunications equipment in Indonesia, you can contact us at the following contacts:

What are the technical requirements for STB devices

What are the technical requirements for STB?

Start from November 2, 2022, the government mandates that Analog TV diverted with Digital TV for several reason, including imrpoved picture and sound quality, more television programs available, larger frequency spectrum, a smoother frequency network and faster frequency network, and so on. So that Analog TV can access programs television, a Set Top Box (STB) is required to catch programs broadcast from Analog TV to Digital TV. In contrast, you can use an Android TV box to convert analog TV to digital TV and vice versa. Also Read : Reference in Carrying out Testing of Telecommunications Tools or Devices Before purchasing and using a device like an STB or Android TV Box, ensure that SDPPI has certified the device. This guarantees its proper functioning and prevents interference with the surrounding frequency network. Before trading STB devices in Indonesia, they must fulfill the technical requirements specified to pass the testing process and obtain a certificate, ensuring their safety and legality. Once a testing certificate is obtained, the device is legally approved for public trade and guaranteed to be safe and legal. so what are the technical requirements for STB order can passed testing device?, following technical requirements devices STB : If stb devices already fulfill  all technical requirement above, it will be easier through testing process, get  SDPPI certified and device stated safe and worthy for use to public. Those are following is why STB equipment must be certified and the technical requirements for STB equipment. Also Read : The Impact of Using a Telecommunications Device That Has Not Been Certified If you are a manufacturer, distributor, importer, laboratory, or other entity that wants to distribute telecommunication devices and needs certification for your telecommunication device in Indonesia, you can contact us through email at or our WhatsApp.

SDPPI Telecommunication Tool & Device Certificate Fee

SDPPI Telecommunication Tool and Device Certificate Fee

Moreover, every telecommunications tool and device assembled, produced, or imported for distribution or trading in Indonesia must undergo a certification test to obtain an SDPPI certificate, declaring it legally approved for trade. Also Read : The Impact of Using a Telecommunications Device That Has Not Been Certified There are several ways to make SDPI certificates, with different prices according to the certification requirements of the device. The price or fees required, among others, are: Descriptions Fees Certification using Test report issued within the country Rp 7.000.000,- Change or revise the certificate Rp 7.000.000,- Replacement certificate for the lost certificate Rp 7.000.000,- Certification using foreign test report / combined Rp 50.000.000,- SDPPI Kominfo will issue the Postel Certification Fee upon providing evidence of the SP2 warrant issuance. After the payment of SP2, the certificate will be issued. The following outlines four types of costs for certificate issuance, along with a brief explanation of why telecommunication tools and equipment must undergo certification before trading in Indonesia. Also Read : The Difference between Uncertified & Certified Devices SDPPI If you are a manufacturer, distributor, importer, laboratory, or other entity that wants to distribute telecommunication devices and needs certification for your telecommunication device in Indonesia, you can contact us through email at or our WhatsApp.

In carrying out testing of telecommunications tools and devices refer to

Testing Telecommunications Tools & Devices: SDPPI Guide

In carrying out testing of telecommunications tools and devices, refer to: Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya dan Perangkat Pos dan Informatika Radio Frequency Testing (RF), Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and SafetySo that the device works fine and is safe to use Also Read : The Impact of Using a Telecommunications Device That Has Not Been Certified Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) helping consumers choose safe and quality products International Reference Like : ISO, ETSI, RR, ITU, IEC International organizations that manage and make decisions about standardization device regulation, radio international, and telecommunications The following is an understanding and explanation of the Reference in Carrying out Testing of Tools or Devices for carry out testing process telecommunication devices. Also Read : Purpose of RF, Safety and EMC Testing on Devices If you are a manufacturer, distributor, importer, laboratory, or other entity who wants to distribute telecommunication devices and need to do certification for your telecommunication device in Indonesia, you can contact us through email or our WhatsApp.

The Impact of Using a Telecommunications Device That Has Not Been Certified

Impact of Using Uncertified Telecommunications Devices

In this modern era, every human activity is closely related to telecommunications tools and devices. Various types and brands of telecommunications equipment devices in Indonesia have been marketed. However, many of these devices lack certification, making them illegal for public use. Also Read : Purpose of RF, Safety and EMC Testing on Devices Continued marketing and usage of the device by the public will impact the surrounding network. According to Ismail, Spectrum uses radio frequency, which is not an appropriate allotment, and telecommunication devices that are not certified can be dangerous to people’s safety. Examples of the impact of using a telecommunications device that has not been certified are: The following is an explanation of the impact of using a telecommunications device that has not been certified. Also Read : Reference in Carrying out Testing of Telecommunications Tools or Devices If you are a manufacturer, distributor, importer, laboratory, or other entity that wants to distribute telecommunication devices and needs certification for your telecommunication device in Indonesia, you can contact us through email at or our WhatsApp.

Announcement of SDPPI Service Counter Issue

Announcement of SDPPI Service Counter Issue

KOMINFO was informed that the SDPPI service counter was experiencing problems. This issue began on December 28, 2022. It was reported that these disruptions would last until December 30, 2022. Due to this constraint, the SDPPI website cannot be accessed. Website willcan be accessed again on 02 January 2023. The problem at the SDPPI service counter occurred in connection with the relocation of the service counter office from the Wisma Antara Building to the Menara Danareksa Building. For more detailed information regarding SDDPi website interference problems, you can check out: PelayananFrekuensi for Instagram and Tiktok; Pelayanan Frekuensi for Youtube and Facebook. Also Read : Purpose of RF, Safety and EMC Testing on Devices

Certification Form PM 5

PM 5 Certification Form: Required Information to Complete

Before applying for Postel certification, either using local testing or paperwork, the applicant must attach Form PM 5. The service company will forward a Certification Request file to the equipment company to fill in information data for the device undergoing certification testing. The PM-5 form is a device information document that serves as a guide for submitting local testing up to submission to SDPPI. After completing the input of all device and product data, the certification service will send the sample to a laboratory for testing. What is a certification form, and what must be filled in the Certification Form PM-5? See this article for a further explanation. Also read : The Importance of Labeling and Warning Sign on the Packaging of Telecommunication Device What is a Certification Form PM 5? A certification form is a sheet that contains information on devices that you wish to certify. Additionally, the Certification Form represents the subsequent stage in the process after the Equipment Company and the Certification Services Company have engaged in discussions and reached mutual agreements to pursue SDPPI Certification. There are several device information that must be filled in or fulfilled on the Certification Form, including: After correctly filling in all the required device information in the Certification Form, the Certification Service Company can gather the data and, subsequently, initiate the process of sending devices or samples for testing in SDPPI-accredited laboratories in Indonesia. Also read : The Difference between Uncertified & Certified Devices SDPPI The following provides an understanding and explanation of the certification form and the required information for the SDPPI certificate application process. If you are a manufacturer, distributor, importer, laboratory, or other entity who wants to distribute telecommunication devices and need to do certification for your telecommunication device in Indonesia, you can contact us through email or our WhatsApp.

Test Objectives RF, Safety, EMC

Purpose of RF, Safety and EMC Testing on Devices

Before the Device or Product is traded in Indonesia, those Device needs carried out Certification at SDPPI and getting an SDPPI Certificate first, to be able to get SDPPI Certification those devices must pass through three stages of device testing, those test are RF Test, Safety Test and EMC Test. What is the purpose of RF, Safety and EMC testing on Telecommunication Devices? We will discuss in this article. To be eligible for trade in Indonesia, a telecommunication device must undergo Certification at SDPPI and acquire an SDPPI Certificate. The SDPPI Certificate signifies that the device has obtained permission and operates within the frequency regulations stipulated in Indonesia, making it legally compliant. Before obtaining SDPPI Certification, the device must undergo various testing stages. Also Read : The Difference Between the Certified and Uncertified Device Device testing purposes RF Test RF Test orf Radio Frequency Test on Telecommunications device aimed to testing the Frequency of the device/product so that it complies with regulations in force in Indonesia so it does not interfere other frequencies in Indonesia. Frequency Bands included in Radio Frequency Testing are Bluetooth, RFID, WLAN, NFC, Low Power, GSM, WCDMA, 4G LTE, 5G, ETC. If the product has these frequencies band on the product, then the product must conduct an RF test for SDPPI Certification requirements. Safety Test Safety test is to check the current source so that there is no leakage in the device, does not short circuit, minimize the potential for the device not to catch fire, etc. the Device that needs to do the Safety Test is a telecommunications device that uses AC power / electric current directly from a wall socket, If the device uses AC power (plug) to start then the product, then it must perform a Safety Test as a requirement to obtain SDPPI Certification. EMC Test  Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) test is a test to see the ability of an equipment or system to operate normally in an electromagnetic environment without being affected or producing interference to the environment. The devices that needs to do the EMC Testing are Telecommunication Devices that have electromagnetic currents. If the device has electromagnetic current, the device must perform an EMC Test as a requirement for SDPPI Certification. After successfully completing all testing stages, submit all test results promptly to SDPPI as the necessary requirements for obtaining SDPPI Certification. Once submitted to SDPPI, we will await the issuance of the Certificate, making your device ready for legal trade in Indonesia. if you want to checking any products are already certified in SDPPI you can directly check in SDPPI website Sertifikasi.Postel  Also Read : The Importance of Labeling and Warning Sign on the Packaging of Telecommunication Device Now that you understand the purpose of conducting RF, Safety, and EMC Tests on telecommunications devices for SDPPI Certification, let’s delve into the process in more detail. If you are a manufacturer, distributor, importer, laboratory, or other entity who wants to distribute telecommunication devices and need to do certification for your telecommunication device in Indonesia, you can contact us through email or our WhatsApp.

The Difference between Uncertified & Certified Devices SDPPI

The Difference between Uncertified & Certified Devices SDPPI

Currently telecommunication devices is commonly used among communities, generally these telecommunication devices uses a frequency in order to operate. However, before telecommunications equipment is distributed in Indonesia, telecommunications equipment must be certified before in SDPPI. The telecommunications device must be certified at the SDPPI (Pos and Information Technology Resources and Equipment). Make sure the device you want to distribute is certified. But do you know why SDPPI certification is important, and how to differentiate the certified or uncertified devices. For that, on this occasion we will discuss the importance of certified devices and how to differentiate between certified and uncertified devices. What is SDPPI Certification? SDPPI Certification are activities that carried out by SDPPI, certifying the Telecommunication Device at SDPPI, will indicating that the devices has been registered and is legal to be traded in Indonesia, because devices that has been tested is complies with the regulations that have been set in Indonesia. Based on Regulation: PERMEN KOMINFO No. 16 of 2018 (Chapter 1, Article 2) that every Telecommunication tool and/or device made, assembled, or imported for trading and/or use in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is mandatory to meet the Technical Requirements. Also Read : The Process that need to go through to get the KOMINFO SDPPI Certificate The Difference Between the Certified and Uncertified Device Based on Regulation: PERMEN KOMINFO No. 16 of 2018 (Chapter 3, Article 15) Before traded and/or used, every Telecommunication Tool and/or Devices that has obtained a Certificate must attached with a Label and QR Code contained in the Telecommunication Tool and/or Devices Certificate. So to make you understand how to tell the difference between uncertified & certified devices, here are the explanations: Uncertified Device There are several difference characteristics in uncertified device, there are: Certified Device Here are a few difference characteristics in certified device, there are: For further confirmation whether the device we are using is certified or not, you can directly check on the website This is why telecommunication devices are required to have SDPPI Certification and how to differentiate uncertified and certified telecommunication devices. If you are a manufacturer, distributor, importer, laboratory, or other entity who wants to distribute telecommunication devices and need to do certification for your telecommunication device in Indonesia, you can contact us through email or our WhatsApp.

Label & warning sign B.ING

The Importance of Labeling and Warning Sign on the Packaging of Telecommunication Device

Before telecommunication devices are distributed in Indonesia territory, the box or packaging of the telecommunication device is mandatory to be marked by a label or the warning sign. With the presence of labeling and the warning sign on the box or packaging indicate that the device has passed th e certification process in SDPPI, so that the device has been declared legal to be marketed in Indonesia. Otherwise, if the box or packaging on telecommunication devices does not have labeling and warning sign, then the product will be counted as illegal and risk experiencing mass withdrawals because it does not comply with the applicable regulations. Uses of Labeling and Warning Sign 1. Labeling Labeling is a tag that attach on the box or packaging of the telecommunication devices. With a labeling  Labeling merupakan label yang tertempel pada box dan kemasan perangkat telekomunikasi. The labeling on the box indicates that the product has adjusted to the frequency set by the Government of Indonesia. On the label there is an SDPPI certificate number for the device in the package. The SDPPI certificate number applies for every device brand model. So even though it is the same brand, each device model has a different SDPPI certificate. This is because each device model has different specifications. Everyone is able to check the certificate number to know more details about the device. By accessing website and then put the certificate number listed on the label. Read Also: Licensing the Use of All KBLI for the Submission of SDPPI Certificates on the OSS Page 2. Warning Sign The warning sign is a mandatory label on the box or packaging telecommunication devices. The Warning sign explains that the specification and format from the device can’t be changed because it can cause physical interference or electromagnetic interference in the surrounding environment. How to Get Labeling and Warning Signs for legality of sales If you are a manufacturers, distributors, importers, laboratories, or other entities who wishes to distribute telecommunication devices in Indonesia, you can contact Cerapproval for SDPPI certification making. By making certification, you can have a certificate number and can sell products legally in Indonesia. For further information, you can contact us through whatsapp and email at